Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Purpose of Being

We live and we die. What happens in between? Choices. But are those choices ours, or someone else's? Were we born to be lawyers, writers, forensic anthropologists, presidents, teachers, and doctors or was all of that decided before we were born?

Some of us believe that everything we are, everything we have we owe to a higher power. But what if the only person we owe for our success or failure is ourselves? Maybe we mistake a natural aptitude for destiny. That's not to say that god or whoever doesn't have a say in what happens in our existence, but what if that higher power decided to give us an aimless life, a life that they don't direct, one that the human being themselves directs. Some are directed, destined, while others are experiments, something to observe to pass the time.

Last night I asked myself why I was born, what my purpose in life was. Was I born to always suffer, always struggle in one way or another, or is that everyone's lot in life? Was I born to write or is it just a skill that I've manged to acquire over the years?

It's often been said that God has a plan for all of us, and I have to wonder about that sometimes. I look at the world today and can't help but wonder if this is really all God's plan. Unemployment, massive oil spills, devastating hurricanes, suicide, civil rights being taken away. Has God lost control of His own creation? Is he trying to destroy it as carefully as he constructed it?

I always have so many questions and very rarely do I have answers. Maybe I never will. Perhaps it's enough that I'm wondering about all of this.

Just point me in the right direction, I'm ready for blast off.

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