Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lately I've been thinking about my writing career, something that's been put somewhat on the back burner until I find employment. But like all pressing matters, it's something that keeps popping up whether you want it to or not.

What I've been thinking about most is how varied I'd like for my career to be. I love the idea of writing video game and comic book scripts just as I love the idea of writing screenplays. So many ways to tell so many stories. I want to do something similar to what Gabriel Garcia Marquez did with "Five Years of Solitude." There's just something about writing a story about the origins of a village, country, nation, etc. You get to write the world as you see fit, and maybe even as you don't see fit to add an extra layer to the story.

I also like the idea of creating my own mythology, something just as timeless and intriguing as Greek or Roman mythology. Shows like Buffy, Angel, Battlestar Galactica immediately come to mind when I think about modern day mythology. Something that's completely original and bound by that universe's own rules. The idea for this came from the latest installment in the God of War video games series. The team that put that project together simply went above and beyond to deliver a quality product. It's nice to know that originality and innovation aren't completely dying arts.

Hopefully my writing career will start soon and hopefully it will be all and more that I pray it will be. Here's to a wonderful adventure.

Peace. Out.

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