Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"I don't know why they call these want ads. I don't want any of these jobs."

The above title is something I have said many a time before.

Job hunting is just that, a hunt. You have to prepare for your prey, make yourself ready, dress correctly, carry the right ammunition or it's your ass, and you have to arrive at the hunting grounds at just the right time in order to get what you want.

I really don't get why people don't come to me to work for them.

I know you feel this way too, dear reader.

So I've been waiting tables for about three years and I've been in the food business in some way or another for as long as I've started working at the fresh and impressionable age of 16.

But I feel that it's time for a change, I think I've done as much as I can do and have gone as far as I can go in the serving industry. I don't know if I'm well suited for office work, but I'm willing to try. As long as my mind is constantly stimulated and I'm not bored at work, I think I'll be fine. When it comes to waiting tables you're either not busy, kinda busy, or busy as hell.

The economy isn't as stellar as we'd like for it to be, and people are getting depressed and frustrated about not being able to find work. I understand that money has become quite integral to the human existence, but I don't think that we should put so much into something that should only be part of our lives, not all of it.

But then again, this is coming from a single, twenty-five year old man. I'm sure those of us who are married with children and numerous payments see the world differently. The thing that keeps me going and keeps my head up is the knowledge that everything is going to be ok eventually.

Failure and rejection are a bitch, no one can attest to this fact more than me! But I've learned that it's best to keep going after Company A says no, or Company B says that they just don't have any positions available. More than that, it also helps to ask yourself if there was anything you can improve on when it comes to interviewing or presenting yourself to a potential employer.

Ok, this is turning into a sappy rah-rah speech. But I do hope that I have encouraged you if you needed encouragement and/or that I have entertained you if you needed entertainment.

Stay golden!

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