Thursday, April 1, 2010

25 Going on 40

So lately I feel as if I've been having a mid-life crisis of sorts. Or maybe it's just me panicing about not having a job yet. I'm, I know that has something to do with it.

It's also recently come to my attention that I'm going to be 25-years-old in June. I feel as if I haven't done nearly as much as I'd hoped to do by the time I was this old...young...whatever.

I was looking back on my life and I feel that I should have done more, should have been exposed to more as a child. A part of me wants to blame my parents, but I know that's both unfair and foolish. They did they best that they could when it came to raising me and my other siblings, and I'm glad that they did as good of a job as they did. I could have turned out much worse.

25 isn't the end of your life, but it's that turning point where you're teetering on the edge of adulthood and the end of your "party days." It's time to think about your future, time to think about a career, where you see yourself in ten years time and how to get there.

I honestly don't know where I saw myself at this point and time in my life, but I know that it isn't here. I know I'm capable of much more than what I've done and what I'm doing, but I guess it's just that I don't know how to get to where I want to go.

I just want to be happy.

Okay, this post is starting to depress me a bit. I'm signing off now.

Till next time.

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